
About me

Recently graduated from Örebro University's Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Science programme (svenska: civ.ing. datateknik).

I mostly use C++ and C#, with some Python and Lua scripting on the side. Interested in learning Rust.

I like video games, music, video game music, Dungeons & Dragons, reading books, et cetera. I used to do a lot of scouting.
Some favorites:

Projects and cool stuff

Some of my side projects. Not open source at present.

Helios Workbench

A C++ program/framework glued together from Dear ImGui and Lua (via Sol). Allows easy development of simple utility programs, such as a custom D&D 5e spell editor with Markdown export. Uses a plugin system to easily extend the Lua environment with new features.

D&D Campaign Tracker

A simple web-based utility for keeping track of D&D stuff. Hacked together using C#, ASP.NET Core, and Blazor Server.